Drinking celery juice while on your period can offer various advantages. It may reduce cramps, lower blood pressure, and decrease the chances of heart disease or stroke. The phytoestrogens found in celery can also help regulate your menstrual cycle. There is no evidence to suggest that celery triggers menstruation.
Celery juice reduces menstrual cramps
Celery juice can be used to reduce cramps in menstruation. A study also found that celery juice can help with mood improvement. Celery contains calcium and iron, and its high alkalinity helps keep your tissues and cells wholesome. It can also help you ovulate, which is beneficial for women during their menstrual cycles.
It lowers blood pressure
Celery juice can be a great way of lowering blood pressure. Because it contains phytochemicals called Phthalides, it helps regulate blood pressure. Besides, the nutrients in celery stalks are believed to lower BP.
It lowers the risk of developing heart disease
Celery juice has been shown to lower blood pressure. It also contains a good source of potassium and magnesium, which have been linked with a lower risk of heart disease. According to a study published by the Journal of Chiropractic Medicine in the Journal of Chiropractic Medicine the juice of celery could lower blood pressure. While the results of this study are preliminary, numerous experts confirm the benefits of celery juice.
It lowers stroke risk
Celery juice can be consumed daily to reduce stroke risk. It has been shown to reduce blood pressure in rats. Celery seed extract may also reduce vascular resistance in humans. But consuming it regularly for more than a week may have some side effects.
It prevents stomach ulcers
Celery juice is good for the stomach and can help prevent stomach ulcers. In fact, celery juice can reduce the risk of developing peptic ulcers, which are open sores in the lining of the stomach, esophagus, and duodenum. This is due to the fact celery’s flavonoids as well as tannins, which are antioxidants. These chemicals protect the stomach lining.
It lowers blood sugar levels
Celery juice contains phytochemicals, which are biologically active compounds that help lower blood sugar levels and prevent cardiovascular disease. Consuming celery as a whole also has health benefits. It helps to balance glucose levels, improves gut health, and reduces inflammation. The juice also helps to lower blood pressure and fights oxidative stress.