negative side effects of celery juice

Drinking celery juice may have various negative effects. It may induce uterine contractions which could lead to a miscarriage. In addition, it may heighten sensitivity to sunlight and result in skin reactions. Keep reading to discover more about the impacts of celery juice. Nevertheless, celery juice also carries potential health advantages that are worth mentioning.

Celery juice may cause uterine contractions

Consuming celery juice during pregnancy is not advised, as it may cause uterine contractions. Some juices do contain magnesium, which is anti-spasmodic. Celery juice can also be used to loosen bowel movements and is a good laxative. It is anti-inflammatory and also contains polyacetylene which inhibits acute inflammation.

Celery seed has 17 percent of your daily iron requirements. Celery oil extract can also be used as an insect repellent to prevent mosquitoes biting you. Before you consume celery seed, make sure you have your allergy tested. Also, celery seeds contain coumarins, which may cause uterine contractions.

It may cause skin rashes

While celery juice is considered safe to drink, it may cause skin rashes in some people. It contains coumarins, which are known to re-invigorate skin cells. It also supports blood flow and strengthens the nervous system. It has been claimed that drinking celery juice can have similar effects to a sauna.

If you think you are allergic to celery, you should consult your doctor. A dermatologist can perform blood and skin tests to determine if you are allergic to celery. A positive test does not necessarily mean a reaction. Your consultant may recommend a “food challenge” in which you eat a small quantity of celery and note any reactions. However, you should only attempt this method if you’re sure you’re allergic to celery.

It may cause photosensitivity

Celery juice can cause skin rashes. This is because the active substances in celery, psoralens may trigger phototoxicity in some people. Besides photosensitivity, celery contains high amounts of dietary oxalates, which can interact with calcium ions, causing kidney stones. These stones can cause inflammation and damage kidney function.

The aqueous extract of celery contains apigenin, which has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and diuretic properties. It may also lower blood pressure.

It can cause miscarriage

It’s unclear whether celery juice can cause miscarriage, but it is believed that the consumption of celery juice may cause miscarriage. Although celery juice does not affect blood pressure in pregnancy, it can have negative effects on the developing fetus. Avoid celery juice during pregnancy.

While celery juice is generally safe to consume during pregnancy, it should be properly washed. This is because celery may contain parasites and bacteria. Unwashed celery can result in dangerous infections like toxoplasmosis and listeriosis.

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