What Is Cranberry Juice in Pregnancy?

what is cranberry juice in pregnancy

When you begin to think about drinking cranberry juice while pregnant, you may have some questions. You might wonder if cranberry juice can cause urinary tract infections (UTIs), its effectiveness in preventing kidney stones, and how often you should drink it. Research suggests that definitive answers to these questions are still unknown.

Does cranberry juice cause UTIs?

Although the use of cranberry is widespread, there is limited scientific evidence to support its safety and effectiveness for the prevention and treatment of UTIs during pregnancy. Because of its long-standing usage, pregnant women will continue to drink this juice and fruit, regardless of any new research. Fortunately, the findings of the one study that was conducted did not reveal any increased risk for malformations or preterm birth. However, further research is needed to determine if cranberry use causes vaginal bleeding.

Consuming fresh cranberry fruit or cranberry juice can help prevent urinary tract infections during pregnancy. The compounds in the fruit can prevent bacteria from sticking to your bladder wall. Cranberry juice may also reduce the likelihood of developing kidney stones in pregnant woman. Although these types of kidney stones are rare in pregnancy, they can be problematic to manage.

Is it able to prevent or treat edema?

Studies have shown that cranberry use during pregnancy does not increase the risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes, such as low birth weight or small-for-gestational-age babies. Additionally, cranberry consumption did not increase the chance of preterm birth or neonatal infection. There is still some debate over the safety of cranberry consumption during pregnancy.

Although cranberry juice is widely used in pregnancy, little research has been done to prove its safety or effectiveness. One study examined cranberry juice as a treatment for prevention of ASB in pregnancy and found that women who drank cranberry juice regularly had fewer infections than those who did not drink cranberry juice.

Does it prevent kidney stones?

One of the most important things to do to prevent kidney stones during pregnancy is to increase your fluid intake. If you are dehydrated, your kidneys will be unable to remove the excess calcium that forms in your urine. It is also important to maintain the right acid-base balance in your urine. To do this, you can add citrate to your water or eat plenty of citrus fruits. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables is also important to prevent dehydration. Additionally, being obese will increase your risk of dehydration.

Limiting your salt intake is another way to prevent kidney stones from developing during pregnancy. Consuming large amounts of salt and animal protein can increase your risk of developing kidney stones. A diet low in calcium can cause more complications. Therefore, a diet high in calcium can be very beneficial.

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