If you are interested in making natto at home, there are several options for obtaining it. You can find it fresh, salted, dried, or frozen. Another convenient option is to buy it online. Although natto has many health benefits, it may not be available at all stores. If you are eager to purchase some, your best bet is likely your local Whole Foods Market or an online retailer.

SMALL BEAN ORGANIC NATTO, Made in Vermont - Probiotic Fermented Certified Organic Soy Beans, 3.5 oz - Case of 12

Salted Natto

Salted natto is a common food in Japan. Some people have negative reactions to its slimy texture and strong smell. However, this food has many health benefits and is a staple in the Japanese diet. It can be eaten as a snack or breakfast.

The history of natto has been relatively brief. The dish was first discovered in northern Japan in the first millennium BC. It was traditionally made during midwinter and stored until planting time. Later, in the 1600s, the Japanese developed a product called Hoshi korumame and made it popular throughout Japan. It was later made with red chilies and ginger. The natto became a popular snack for soldiers.

The best way to try natto is in a Japanese restaurant. It is traditionally served with sticky white rice and is not available in grocery stores in the U.S. It is possible to purchase it online or at a Japanese specialty market. While not widely available in the United States, natto can be found in a specialty market that caters to Japanese cuisine.

Natto is a nutritious food. It contains nine grams of fiber per cup and may even help lower cholesterol levels and prevent plaque buildup in the arteries. Natto is also a good source for vitamin K. Studies have shown that it can lower the risk of developing coronary heart disease.

Natto can be found in Japanese grocery stores and convenience stores and online via sites like Amazon. It is usually available in ready-to eat packs. There are also small, medium, large, and large sizes. Opening the package and removing the film before adding the sauce is best.

Once the natto has reached 165 degrees, it should be kept in the refrigerator or in a cool place. It is best to consume the natto within seven days after opening. Otherwise, the bacteria that live in the natto will continue to ferment the soybeans, making them borderline inedible.

Dried Natto

If you’re interested in buying dried natto but don’t have a local Japanese grocery store, you can purchase it online or at a Japanese or Asian specialty market. Since natto is traditionally eaten with sticky white rice, it’s best to buy it from a place specializing in Japanese foods.

You can find natto in the UK at Asian markets and online. Amazon is the best place to buy fresh natto. It should be available in medium-sized packs, with a photograph to help you identify the type.

Natto can also be purchased in freeze-dried form, which is healthier and more convenient. Natto dried in a freeze-dried form is healthier and more convenient. It also doesn’t contain any oils. Natto is traditionally sun-dried, but it’s possible to buy dry, odor-free versions.

Ja looks dry natto (plum) 200g
Dried Natto

Dry natto is best kept in the refrigerator. It can be stored in a sealed jar for up to four months. Make sure you check the expiration date. Otherwise, it will continue to ferment soybeans, making them borderline inedible. Ensure the container is sealed tightly to ensure proper storage of dried natto.

You can buy dried natto from Japanese supermarkets. It’s often cheaper and more convenient than buying it from a specialty store. It’s important to check the expiration dates on the containers and compare them to the one on your natto. You might be interested in trying different brands and flavours.

Natto is a traditional Japanese dish. It is made from fermented soybeans. It is high in protein, calcium, magnesium, iron, and potassium. It can be easily broken down into smaller pieces, making it a great snack. It can also be stored for a long time at room temperature. It’s also an excellent emergency food.

You can buy dried natto online or in supermarkets. You can even find dried natto supplement in some supermarkets. You can also purchase natto products from online retailers such as Amazon.

Fresh Natto

If you’re wondering where to buy fresh natto, there are a few options. New York Natto is organic, made with live Bacillus subtilis bacteria, which promotes cardiovascular, immune and digestive health. It also has no added sugars or chemical preservatives.

Natto can be stored in the fridge for up to a month, but it should be consumed within seven days after opening. Otherwise, the bacteria in the natto will continue to ferment the soybeans and be borderline inedible. To avoid spoilage, it is important to keep natto in an airtight container.

Natto is often sold at Japanese grocery stores. Its stringy “special sauce” is the product of bacterial fermentation, and the stickiness depends on how many probiotic bacteria are present. The more bacteria in your natto will stick to your hands better.

Natto is a healthy food and a staple of Japanese breakfasts. It has high levels of vitamin K2, essential for calcium absorption. It also contains the probiotic enzyme, nattokinase. This is vital for maintaining good digestive health. You can either keep natto in the refrigerator for up to 6 months or freeze it for up 1 year.

There are different types of natto, and each one has its own distinctive flavor. You can choose from salted, low-salted, and unsalted varieties. Some brands also include additional seasonings such as turmeric. You can experiment with different types of natto to find your favorite flavor combination. Be sure to check the calorie content of the natto you buy.

If you’re looking for a delicious way to enjoy natto, consider visiting Megumi Natto in Northern California. The company has been operating since 2006 and is well-known for its fresh natto. It is high quality and will leave you feeling satisfied.

If you’re looking for a convenient and quick delivery, you can also try Instacart, Kroger, and Amazon. These companies have several stores across the United States, and all three of them carry various brands. You can order natto online to have it delivered right to your door.


If you’re in the United States and you’re craving some Japanese cuisine, you can purchase natto online. This traditional Japanese food is extremely healthy and has been around since thousands of years. You can also buy it at a specialty store in your area, including Asian and Japanese markets. Unfortunately, not all grocery stores sell natto.

Many Asian supermarkets sell fresh organic natto or dried varieties. These stores also sell nattokinase supplements. Amazon also carries a range of natto products. The company ships worldwide. Visit their website for more information on natto.

When you buy natto online, you should check the expiration date. If properly stored, some natto products can keep for months in the refrigerator. You should consume it within seven days after purchase. If you wait too long, bacteria in the Natto will continue to ferment soybeans, making them almost unpalatable.

If you live in the United States, you can purchase natto online from Amazon. Amazon sells a variety of brands and is often less expensive than specialty retailers. You can also find different types depending on your preferences. Some of the different varieties are organic and free of preservatives.

Natto is traditional Japanese breakfast food. It is high in vitamin K2 and is essential for the healthy functioning of the heart and bones. Adding a natto meal to your diet can help you meet your vitamin K2 requirement and be delicious at the same time.

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