Aloe Vera Juice Side Effects

aloe vera juice side effects

Possible rephrase: Skin irritation or digestive issues can result from using aloe vera. It may also interact negatively with specific medications. If you take drugs that lower potassium levels, it’s best to avoid aloe vera. Learn more about the potential side effects and medication interactions to stay safe.

Possible drug interactions with aloe vera juice

Though aloe vera juice is generally safe, some studies have found that it may interact with some medications and supplements. Although the juice is safe to drink in small quantities, excessive consumption of aloe juice can lead to adverse health effects. Some possible interactions with aloe vera juice include diarrhea, low potassium levels, and hypersensitive skin reactions. In these cases, it is best to consult a doctor to decide whether aloe vera juice is safe for you.

Skin irritation

Aloe vera juice can cause skin irritation in some people. It is also known to have anti-inflammatory qualities. When applied to the skin, its chemical compounds, known by anthraquinones reduce swelling and promote tissue repair. This substance can also help soothe cold sores, a type of skin infection caused by the herpes simplex virus.


Aloe vera juice is good for your health. However, it can cause diarrhoea. If you experience diarrhoea, it is best to consult your doctor. The laxative properties of aloe vera juice are believed to stimulate bowel movements and prevent constipation, but in excessive amounts, it can cause diarrhoea.

Low blood potassium levels

Drinking aloe vera juice can cause dehydration and low blood potassium levels. The electrolytes are important for the balance of fluids in the body and help maintain the electrical charge of cells. A deficiency can cause serious problems and can make it difficult to perform basic functions. Aloe vera may also interact with prescription medications such as diuretics.

Uterine contractions

If you are pregnant, drinking aloe vera juice may trigger uterine contractions, a very uncomfortable symptom. This condition can be a sign of labor and could lead to premature delivery. For this reason, it is important to avoid aloe vera during pregnancy, even during the first trimester.


Aloe vera is a wonderful natural plant that has many health benefits. However, pregnant women should not consume its juice. It is known to cause uterine contractions, which can cause miscarriage or other complications during pregnancy. Pregnant women should also avoid the use of aloe vera supplements containing latex.

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