cranberry juice side effects

Drinking cranberry juice may cause side effects such as diarrhea, kidney stones, gastritis, and diabetes. It is important to exercise caution when incorporating a new supplement into your daily routine due to these potential risks. While these side effects may not necessarily warrant stopping consumption right away, it is crucial to stay informed about them.


Cranberry juice contains a natural salicylate, which can reduce the amount of Enterobacteriaceae in the digestive tract. This type of bacteria is common in people with digestive problems and is responsible for constipation. Cranberry juice also helps the body retain water in the colon, which makes the stool more compact.

Kidney stones

Although cranberry juice is good for the bladder and urinary functions, it can also cause kidney stones in some people. These stones are caused by calcium buildup in the kidneys. These stones can be painful and cause nausea and sharp pain in your abdomen.


A recent study examined the effects of cranberry extract on blood glucose levels in type 2 diabetic patients. The juice was found to improve fasting glucose levels as well as some biomarkers of inflammation and oxidation. The results were not statistically significant.


Cranberry extract powder has been shown not to cause gastritis or peptic ulcer. It also inhibits gastric cells from secreting interleukin-8 (IL-8). Numerous studies have shown that cranberry can reduce stomach cancer rates in humans.

Plaque for the teeth

The antimicrobial plant polyphenols in cranberry juice can help prevent dental plaque. These compounds inhibit the formation of plaque-forming enzymes and stop bacteria from sticking to tooth surfaces. This effect is similar to the one seen with black tea.

Skin health

Vitamin C is a key ingredient in healthy skin. Cranberry juice is rich in vitamin C. This vitamin is responsible for the production of collagen, which gives the skin its structure. It protects against UV light damage and helps to prevent the aging process.


A recent study has shown that drinking cranberry juice can reduce the risk of cancer. It was found that cranberry juice contained a high amount of polyphenols, which reduced the viability and viability of cancer cells. This substance is likely composed of anthocyanins and proanthocyanidins, which are high molecular weight polyphenolic compounds.

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