Despite common misconceptions about the health benefits of cranberry juice, it actually has significant positive effects, particularly for heart health. Cranberry juice is loaded with phytonutrients that are known for their anti-inflammatory properties. These compounds help reduce inflammation, a key contributor to heart disease, by safeguarding blood vessels and arteries from harm and by inhibiting the buildup of plaque and the onset of atherosclerosis.
High levels of polyphenols
Numerous studies have shown that cranberry-polyphenols can help protect cells against damage from free radicals. They can also affect gene expression and reduce oxidative stresses. The cranberry polyphenols also inhibit the production inflammatory molecules and improve mitochondrial function.
These findings are in line with other recent research on cranberry juice and its health benefits. Researchers have found that cranberry juice has significant antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, and that it can reduce urinary tract infections. They also found that cranberry extract inhibited the growth and development of bacteria in the bladder. Another study found that drinking cranberry juice reduced risk of cardiovascular disease in overweight healthy volunteers.
Antioxidant properties
The antioxidant properties of cranberry juice come from a compound known as anthocyanins. This chemical is found in cranberries, and other reddish-brown fruits. It has anti-inflammatory properties and may also protect the lining of the lungs from viral and bacterial infections. This chemical compound is a type of phenol that has been linked to many health benefits.
Cranberry juice is good for the heart as it lowers levels of “bad” and “total cholesterol. This may help prevent coronary artery disease. It can also be used to fight bacteria that causes urinary tract infections. Cranberry juice prevents the growth Helicobacter Pylori, which can cause stomach ulcers. It can also be used to thin the blood.
Beneficial effects on heart health
A new study has shown that cranberry juice may lower the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Consumption of cranberry juice may improve the condition of the endothelium, the thin layer of cells that line the arteries, veins, and capillaries in the heart. Atherosclerotic lesions can be caused by a deficiency in this layer.
Recent research suggests that drinking two glasses of cranberry juice a day may help prevent the hardening of the arteries. The researchers found that two glasses of cranberry juice a day may reduce the number of osteocalcin-producing endothelial cells. Osteocalcin has been linked with hardening of the arteries.
Can cause kidney stones
A new study by the University of Texas Southwest Medical Center examined the effects of cranberry extract on kidney stones. People with kidney stones often drink cranberry juice to ease pain from frequent urination. The formation of stones in the kidneys is caused by the crystallization of urine minerals. While smaller stones pass easily into the bladder, larger ones can lodge in the tube between the kidneys and the bladder and cause obstruction.
Cranberry juice can help reduce the risk of developing kidney stones. However, it should be taken in moderation to avoid any adverse effects. It is important to remember that cranberry juice can cause kidney stones, so it is always best to talk to your healthcare professional before drinking it.
UTIs are not treated or prevented
Symptoms of UTI are common and painful, but they don’t always require antibiotics to cure them. You can reduce your risk of developing UTIs by practicing good hygiene. The urethra in women is shorter so bacteria from the urinary system can move back into the body easier. Changing tampons and pads frequently and avoiding the use of feminine deodorants can help prevent UTIs.
Biofilms are resistant to antibiotics so antibiotics won’t work. Biofilms can often be the cause of recurrent UTIs, which are difficult to treat. Antibiotics can also increase the likelihood of antibiotic resistance so they should only be used if absolutely necessary.